Congratulations to the Award Winners 2019
Best Documentary
1500 Miles / Chris Duncan / USA
Honorable Mention A Song Can’t Burn / Roscoe Neil/ UK, Lebanon
Best Animation
Reboot / Ellen Osbourne / USA
Honorable Mention Framed / Marco Jemolo / Italy
Best Comedy
Under Mom’s Skirt / Sarah Heitz de Chabaneix / France
Honorable Mention Joint Custody / Carlus Fabrega /Spain
Best Drama
The Mandarin Tree / Cengiz Akaygun / Germany, Turkey
Honorable Mention A Man Never… / Eugene Izraylit
Best Emerging Artist
Bye Bye Virgins / Pierre Boulanger / France
Best Out of the Ordinary ( OOTO)
Deep Dive / Mohammed Soleimanifejani / USA, Iran
Honorable Mention Tshweesh / Feyrouz Serhal / Lebanon
Best New Mexico Zia
Mr. Sushi / Joshua Sallach
Honorable Mention Color Me Done / Dominic Garcia
Director’s Choice
Golden Girl / Chiara Fleish-Hacker / Germany
People’s Choice
Three Pages / Roger Gariepy